Can solar, wind, and storage provide all the electrical needs of the Hawai`i Islands? Imagine if all Hawaii electricity generators were intermittent solar and wind facilities. If the solar and wind systems were not producing electricity, then energy storage...
Case Updates
Public Utilities Commission Imposed “Special Requirements” to Block Life of the Land`s Intervention
The Hawaiian Electric Companies (HECO) filed an Integrated Grid Plan with the Public Utilities Commission. HECO followed up on this with an application seeking Commission approval to issue a Request for Proposals (RFPs) for Grid-Scale Resources, Non-Wires...
LOL Challenges PUC`s Private Repository Docket System
LIFE OF THE LAND, by and through its attorney, Diego Rivera (Law Office of Diego A. Rivera, LLLC) filed a legal brief with the Public Utilities Commission on November 4, 2024. Hawaiian Electric Company requested that the Public Utilities Commission open a new...
Bailing Out Hawaiian Electric Company
The Hawaiian Electric Companies needs a pot of money on hand because they spend money for fuel, operations and capital expenditures before they are reimbursed through ratepayer bills. Therein lies a problem. HECO`s credit rating dropped to junk bond status following...
Top-Down Energy Equity Proceeding May Fail
The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission opened a proceeding to examine energy equity in December 2022. “Energy equity refers to the goal of achieving equity in both the social and economic participation in the energy system, while also remediating social, economic, and...
Firm Renewable Power Projects on the Horizon
Continental-based firm fossil fuel power generators are powered by coal, gas, and nuclear. Island-based firm fossil fuel power generators are powered by various types of petroleum such as fuel oil and diesel. Firm renewable energy systems can include generators...
Carbon Taxes
Life of the Land opposes an additional state tax on carbon. There are far more effectively ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions including mandates to increase the use of low climate impact energy sources for electricity and ground transportation. Hawai`i has two...
Deep-Sea Mining
Life of the Land opposes unsustainably deep-sea mining that is currently being proposed for the ocean floor. Deep sea mining poses an existential threat to relatively unknown marine ecosystems. We should recycle electronic devices to recover rare earth minerals rather...
Life of the Land Intervenes in Public Utilities Commission Review of HECO Companies Fuel Contract
Life of the Land filed the only two Hawai`i climate change appeals to the Hawaii Supreme Court. The court upheld both appeals, sending them back to the Commission for further proceedings. Hu Honua Hu Honua proposes to clear-cut forests, turn the trees into wood chips,...
Life of the Land — Status of Two Climate Legal Actions
Hu Honua Bioenergy proposed chopping down and burning forests to generate electricity in 2008. Life of the Land, founded in February 1970, has been in 50 Hawai`i Public Utilities Commission regulatory proceedings including 10 dealing with BioEnergy. The Hawai`i Public...
Hawai`i Geothermal and Biofuel Research Needed
Can solar, wind, and storage provide all the electrical needs of the Hawai`i Islands? Imagine if all Hawaii electricity generators were intermittent solar and wind facilities. If the solar and wind systems were not producing electricity, then energy storage...
Public Utilities Commission Imposed “Special Requirements” to Block Life of the Land`s Intervention
The Hawaiian Electric Companies (HECO) filed an Integrated Grid Plan with the Public Utilities Commission. HECO followed up on this with an application seeking Commission approval to issue a Request for Proposals (RFPs) for Grid-Scale Resources, Non-Wires...
LOL Challenges PUC`s Private Repository Docket System
LIFE OF THE LAND, by and through its attorney, Diego Rivera (Law Office of Diego A. Rivera, LLLC) filed a legal brief with the Public Utilities Commission on November 4, 2024. Hawaiian Electric Company requested that the Public Utilities Commission open a new...
Bailing Out Hawaiian Electric Company
The Hawaiian Electric Companies needs a pot of money on hand because they spend money for fuel, operations and capital expenditures before they are reimbursed through ratepayer bills. Therein lies a problem. HECO`s credit rating dropped to junk bond status following...
Top-Down Energy Equity Proceeding May Fail
The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission opened a proceeding to examine energy equity in December 2022. “Energy equity refers to the goal of achieving equity in both the social and economic participation in the energy system, while also remediating social, economic, and...
Firm Renewable Power Projects on the Horizon
Continental-based firm fossil fuel power generators are powered by coal, gas, and nuclear. Island-based firm fossil fuel power generators are powered by various types of petroleum such as fuel oil and diesel. Firm renewable energy systems can include generators...
Carbon Taxes
Life of the Land opposes an additional state tax on carbon. There are far more effectively ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions including mandates to increase the use of low climate impact energy sources for electricity and ground transportation. Hawai`i has two...
Deep-Sea Mining
Life of the Land opposes unsustainably deep-sea mining that is currently being proposed for the ocean floor. Deep sea mining poses an existential threat to relatively unknown marine ecosystems. We should recycle electronic devices to recover rare earth minerals rather...
Life of the Land Intervenes in Public Utilities Commission Review of HECO Companies Fuel Contract
Life of the Land filed the only two Hawai`i climate change appeals to the Hawaii Supreme Court. The court upheld both appeals, sending them back to the Commission for further proceedings. Hu Honua Hu Honua proposes to clear-cut forests, turn the trees into wood chips,...
Life of the Land — Status of Two Climate Legal Actions
Hu Honua Bioenergy proposed chopping down and burning forests to generate electricity in 2008. Life of the Land, founded in February 1970, has been in 50 Hawai`i Public Utilities Commission regulatory proceedings including 10 dealing with BioEnergy. The Hawai`i Public...